Testi és érzelmi blokkok oldásáról shiatsu alapú holisztikus testmunka terápiával

Test-lélek oldás

Test-lélek oldás

About me

2017. szeptember 27. - MiRe


I am Reka Mihaltz, with an MA degree in Psychology and Cultural Anthropology from Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest, Hungary. During my university studies I worked for three years in a psychoterapeutic clinic in Budapest (at Szent Rókus Kórház Pesthidegkúti Pszichoterápiás és Rehabilitációs Osztály) where I was lucky to master skills from colleagues conducting group therapies, such as art therapy and psychodrama, but I learned most from our patients themselves. 

After finishing my university studies I did not start working as a psychologist, however. Being young, courious, and full of energy, I decided to expand my vision of the world and test my resilience, ingenuity, and enterprising spirit as an international project manager at various NGO-s (non-governmental organizations), travelling all over the world, from Europe to Africa, North America, and Latin-America. Thanks to these exceptional opportunities on the job, I acquired a large amount of experience in project management, organisational development and financies. While I was responsible for intercultural exchanges for youth, green campaigns, international development, and humanitarian aid, I myself was also changing: my perspective was shifting from the social to the individual. My attempt to contribute to social improvement was slowly turning into a decision to try harmonizing the individual's body and soul. So I was determined to  start learning shiatsu. 

During the time of my civil activism I was busy with a variety of recreational activities, such as Zen meditation (Kvanum Zen School Hungary), contemporary dance (Trafo House Budapest), yoga ( at various schools), and taichi (Havasi András’s Yang style Taiji school) in my free time. One of the five days’ taiji retreats  gave me such an enlighting and transfroming shiatsu experience that I started seriously considering this technique for curing mind and body. 7 years ago I enrolled in my first shiatsu courses at the International School of Shiatsu Budapest and in 2016, while pregnant with my second child, I finished my shiatsu practitioner training at Tonus Shiatsu School, Budapest. 

Holistic bodywork therapies have given me great physical and mental support during my nearly five years of motherhood: from the time of waiting for conception, through pregnancy, birth, and baby care my life has been made easier and more enjoyable with shiatsu and cranio sacral therapy. So I have been realizing that other mothers and mothers-to-be can also profit immensely form these therapies. Now I hold it as a firm belief that shiatsu and cranio sacral therapy as well as other holistic bodywork therapies are major means of treating a wide range of musculoskeletal and emotional conditions that women are suffering from. 

I have a vision for mothers in harmony and full of energy whereby they can fantastically care for their babies without burning out. In short, I feel committed to a mission to treat mothers with holistic bodywork therapy and counselling. 

As a psychologist I have started a mother support blog with a friend: mombond.blog.hu. I would like to work together with a network of specialists to provide full support for moms. As I have more and more time to spare with my two small children, I am moving towards more practical work from writing and information sharing and from this fall 2018, I am receiving patients for shiatsu massage in Kör-Tér, which is a mom and family support nest, with a team of professional helpers. My shiatsu professional background is Tonus Shiatsu and Osteo - where I am an assistant in upcoming shiatsu trainings and I attend regular supervision meetings with the teachers of the school, who have more than 15 years of teaching experience in shiatsu and related body work therapies.

(in the picture I am doing shiatsu therapy, expectant with my son, being in the last trimester) 

 My contact: rekashiatsu@gmail.com

I am happy to receive English speaking clients as well :)

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